STUDIO ARTOUR 2023 -Tolle Fine Art
This is the 19TH ANNUAL year for the ArTour.
FRI, OCT 6 • 4PM-8PM •
SAT, OCT 7 • 10AM – 6PM •
SUN, OCT 8 • 10AM – 5PM
Looking for something unique, one-of-a-kind and original art? How about the stories that are behind how the art is created and the process involved? The 2023 Studio ArTour is a perfect way to experience and shop inspired artwork from many different artists. Painters, potters, metal work, jewelry, textiles and glass.
We open our studios to the public on the first weekend in October (in 2023: Oct 6, 7 & 8) and invite you to come out and see where and how we work!
In 2023, we will celebrate the 19th year of putting on the tour! Featuring 18 studios and 33 artists. The artists are glad to answer questions and provide information about the art, AND some studios will have demonstrations as a learning opportunity behind the process.
The range of work is amazing. At Tolle Fine Art there is original paintings of different subject matter. Some impressionistic, some abstract and some in-between. Tolle Fine Art is Studio #4, located in downtown Northfield, MN. New location and larger space.
The tour is free!